
BREXIT - Surprises Still to Come?

The United Kingdom has left the European Union at the end of January 2020, following many difficult negotiations with the EU and having caused a lot of political turmoil, but it's not over yet. There is effectively a grace period until the end of 2020 where the previous rules still apply, but what happens next in 2021, is yet to be seen.
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The Estonian Public Procurement Act new draft (204 SE) did not get the Parliament approval at the last voting

The Estonian Public Procurement draft (204 SE) did not get the required number of votes on the 3rd May voting in the Parliament. It required a minimum of 51 votes to pass.
The Economic Affairs Committee of the Estonian Parliament re-started the draft that had been in the process in the Parliament but did not find the minimum required number of 51 votes on the 3rd of May.
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